MenuForum NavigationForumActivityForum breadcrumbs - You are here:SigningCloud CommunitySCMY Users Community: Bulk SignBulk SigningPost ReplyPost Reply: Bulk Signing <blockquote><div class="quotetitle">Quote from <a class="profile-link" href="">SMPH</a> on November 10, 2023, 8:38 AM</div><div class="flex-1 overflow-hidden"> <div class="react-scroll-to-bottom--css-rljeg-79elbk h-full"> <div class="react-scroll-to-bottom--css-rljeg-1n7m0yu"> <div class="flex flex-col text-sm gizmo:pb-9 dark:bg-gray-800 gizmo:dark:bg-transparent"> <div class="group w-full text-token-text-primary border-b border-black/10 gizmo:border-0 dark:border-gray-900/50 gizmo:dark:border-0 bg-gray-50 gizmo:bg-transparent dark:bg-[#444654] gizmo:dark:bg-transparent" data-testid="conversation-turn-13"> <div class="p-4 gizmo:py-2 justify-center text-base md:gap-6 md:py-6 m-auto"> <div class="flex flex-1 gap-4 text-base mx-auto md:gap-6 gizmo:gap-3 gizmo:md:px-5 gizmo:lg:px-1 gizmo:xl:px-5 md:max-w-2xl lg:max-w-[38rem] gizmo:md:max-w-3xl gizmo:lg:max-w-[40rem] gizmo:xl:max-w-[48rem] xl:max-w-3xl }"> <div class="relative flex w-[calc(100%-50px)] flex-col gizmo:w-full lg:w-[calc(100%-115px)] agent-turn"> <div class="flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3"> <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col max-w-full gap-3 gizmo:gap-0"> <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message peer flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words peer-[.text-message]:mt-5 overflow-x-auto" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="1fe74b0f-df3f-4e10-a6d7-9f54d74c31b2"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p>Bulk signing in a signing cloud typically works as follows:</p> <ol> <li> <p><strong>Upload Documents</strong>: Users start by uploading multiple documents that need to be signed. These documents are often in electronic format and may be stored securely in the cloud.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Select Signatories</strong>: The user identifies the signatories for the documents. This can include multiple individuals or entities who need to provide their signatures.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Assign Signature Fields</strong>: For each document, the user assigns signature fields to indicate where each signatory needs to place their signature. This is usually done electronically within the cloud interface.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Notification and Authentication</strong>: The signing cloud system notifies the designated signatories via email or other means. They are provided with a secure link to access the documents for signing. Signatories may need to authenticate themselves through methods like password entry, SMS verification, or other secure measures.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Review and Sign</strong>: Signatories access the documents and review their content. They then digitally apply their signatures to the designated fields. This is done through a secure, electronic signature process.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Confirmation and Storage</strong>: Once all signatories have provided their signatures, the system confirms that the documents are fully executed. Copies of the signed documents are often stored securely in the cloud platform.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Notifications:</strong> The system may generate notifications to all parties involved, confirming that the bulk signing process is complete. Additionally, reporting features may be available to track the status and history of the signing process.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Audit Trail</strong>: A comprehensive audit trail is often generated, documenting every step of the bulk signing process. This includes details about who accessed the documents, when they were accessed, and when each signature was applied.</p> </li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="w-full pt-2 md:pt-0 border-t md:border-t-0 gizmo:border-t-0 dark:border-white/20 md:border-transparent md:dark:border-transparent md:pl-2 gizmo:pl-0 gizmo:md:pl-0 md:w-[calc(100%-.5rem)] absolute bottom-0 left-0 md:bg-vert-light-gradient bg-white dark:bg-gray-800 md:!bg-transparent dark:md:bg-vert-dark-gradient"><form class="stretch mx-2 flex flex-row gap-3 last:mb-2 md:mx-4 md:last:mb-6 lg:mx-auto lg:max-w-2xl xl:max-w-3xl"> <div class="relative flex h-full flex-1 items-stretch md:flex-col"> <div> <div class="h-full flex ml-1 md:w-full md:m-auto md:mb-4 gap-0 md:gap-2 justify-center"> </div> </div> </div> </form></div></blockquote><br> Cancel